Data Protection

We are bound by law to protect customers’ personal data. to increase the security and protection of that data. This practice alone gives the customer peace of mind knowing that their personal information is not in jeopardy. it’s also important to understand that the internet is full of scammers, we will not send private links to anyone for them to complete payments. payments at UAL are done via secure methods and these are Stripes or Paypal depending on the customer’s choice.

Maximize Your Security

It’s the customer’s responsibility to ensure that they are navigating through our website UAL on a safe computer, with a virus-free internet connection that will not expose their personal details.

Your internet browser, which is the program you use to browse the web, such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari, comes with built-in security features. Spend some time becoming familiar with your browser’s security and privacy options. Some applications allow you to limit the amount of private information you post online, while others let you delete information about the websites you’ve searched or visited from your computer.

Additionally, you should set up and keep updated with reliable antivirus and security software. In some circumstances, the operating system of your device may already include such software.

Our responsibility

Here is how we support our business customers with these privacy regulations in addition to routinely upgrading our own internal business procedures:

We guarantee legal data processing safeguards, and our contracts with clients and suppliers include references to these safeguards.

We can respond to requests to access or remove user data swiftly thanks to our solid product capabilities and operational procedures.

We make ongoing improvements to the methods we use to get and monitor consent for specific types of data processing.

To make sure that the data we disclose is adequately protected by our partners, we conduct vendor risk analyses.

We train staff on data privacy best practices and include privacy-by-design concepts throughout the lifecycle of our product development.